Richardson 112 Trucker Hat - Ultimate Guide
Richardson 112 Trucker Hat - Ultimate Guide
Adjustable Snapback
Y (6 3/8 - 6 5/8)
SM (6 1/2 - 7)
OSFM (7 – 7 3/4)
XL (7 1/4 - 7 7/8)
Classic trucker cap style built with the Richardson quality and fit you’ve come to expect. 50+ colorways and 50+ years of sports product experience are just a few reasons this remains a best-seller and favorite cap for teams, fans, and brands alike.
Cotton-Poly/Nylon Mesh
60% Cotton, 40% Polyester
Adjustable Snapback
Y (6 3/8 - 6 5/8)
SM (6 1/2 - 7)
OSFM (7 – 7 3/4)
XL (7 1/4 - 7 7/8)
View Richardson 112 Trucker Hat
View All Richardson Brand Hats
Best Selling Richardson 112 Colors
Black - Black/Charcoal - Black/White - Brown/Khaki - Charcoal/Black - Charcoal/Navy - Charcoal/White - Heather Grey/Black - Heather Grey/White - Navy - Navy/Charcoal - Navy/White - Loden - Loden/Black - Khaki/Coffee

Complete List of Colors
a. Split Colors
Caramel/Black - Chocolate Chip/Birch - Navy/Caramel - Navy/Khaki - Biscuit/True Blue - Black/Charcoal - Black/Gold - Black/Vegas Gold - Black/White - Black/Yellow - Brown/Khaki - Cardinal/Black - Cardinal/White - Charcoal/Black - Charcoal/Col Blue - Charcoal/Navy - Charcaol/Neon Blue - Charcoal/Neon Green - Charcoal/Neon Orange - Charcoal/Neon Pink - Charcoal/Neon Yellow - Charcoal/Orange - Charcoal/Red - Charcoal/Royal - Charcoal/White - Col Blue/Black - Col Blue/Khaki - Col Blue/White - Cyan White - Dark Green/Gold - Dark Green/White - Dark Green/Yellow - Heather Grey/Black - Heather Grey/Dark Green - Heather Grey/Light Grey - Heather Grey/Navy - Heather Grey/Red - Heather Grey/Royal - Heather Grey/White - Hot Pink/Black - Hot Pink/White - Kelly/Black - Kelly/White - Khaki/Burgundy - Khaki/Coffee - Khaki/White - Loden/Black - Maroon/White - Navy/Charcoal - Navy/Orange - Navy/Red - Navy/White - Orange/Black - Orange/White - Purple/White - Red/Black - Red/White - Royal/Black - Royal/Red - Royal/White
b. Tri Colors
View All Richardson Brand Hats
Best Selling Richardson 112 Colors
Black - Black/Charcoal - Black/White - Brown/Khaki - Charcoal/Black - Charcoal/Navy - Charcoal/White - Heather Grey/Black - Heather Grey/White - Navy - Navy/Charcoal - Navy/White - Loden - Loden/Black - Khaki/Coffee

Complete List of Colors
a. Split Colors
First color is crown front panels, eyelets, visor, undervisor, and button. Second color is crown back mesh panels, backstrap, and contrast stitching on crown front panels and visor. |
b. Tri Colors
First color is crown front panels and eyelets. Second color is crown back mesh panels, backstrap, and contrast stitching on front panels, visor, and undervisor. Third color is visor and button. |
Blue Teal/Birch/Navy - Heather Grey/Birch/Amber Gold - Heather Grey/Birch/Army Olive - Heather Grey/Dark Green/Black - Heather Grey/Red/Black - Heather Grey/Royal/Black - Mink Beige/Charcoal/Amber Gold - White/Aluminum/Black - Whie/Col Blue/Yellow - Black/White/Heather Grey - Black/White/Red - Col Blue/White/Navy - Dark Green/White/Heather Grey - Grey/Charcoal/Black - Grey/Charcoal/Navy - Heather Grey/Cardinal/navy - Heather Grey/Charcoal/Maroon - Navy/White/Heather Grey - Navy/White/Red - Orange/White/Black - Red/White/Black - Red/White/Heather Grey - Red/White/Navy - Royal/White/Navy - Royal/White/Heather Grey - Royal/White/Red
c. Alternate Colors
First color is crown front panels and eyelets. Second color is crown back mesh panels, backstrap, visor, undervisor, button, and contrast stitching on crown front panels. |
White/Black - White/Dark Green - White/Maroon - White/Navy - White/Red - White/Royal
d. Solid Colors
Undervisor is cap color. |
Quarry - Black - Cardinal - Columbia Blue - Dark Green - Loden - Navy - Orange - Purple - Red - Royal - White