Where to Buy Richardson 112 Black Color? Richardson 112 Hat Black

Where to Buy Richardson 112 Black Color? Richardson 112 Hat Black

The Richardson 112 is one of the most popular and best selling blank trucker hats in the United States. The most popular and best selling color for the Richardson 112 is black. The black color has been hard to find due to extremely high demand and limited supply as a result of production. The black color is sold out and in limited quantities at most retailers. 

As of May 17, 2024, The Park Wholesale has more than 1,000 units in black color in stock on the Richardson 112. Be sure to hurry before these run out! Purchase from an authorized Richardson dealer and all of our Richardson products are backed by a 100% authentic and genuine guarantee. 

*Update (June 2, 2024): The black color stock for Richardson 112 sold out very quickly and more shipments are on the way for black color with an estimated arrival of June 10, 2024.

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